Presentation website of local business selling kalymnian thyme honey.


This is a WordPress website. A custom template was build designed according to the customer instructions.

WooCommerce was used to create product type and special pages and settings were added for the presentation of the products.

Finally, emphasis was given on speed. The website scores 92% at google’s page speed.

More About The Work

The client asked for an image carousel at the background. Special settings were created using the WordPress Customizer API that allow image uploading and selection.

As for the rest of the settings, the template was built to be modifiable and allow the administrator to make significant changes without coding (e.g. change the main color, texts etc.

The background slider shows pictures randomly and javascript and CSS is used for smooth transition.

Moreover, custom page templates were created to allow different page styles to be used.

Finally, WooCommerce was used in order to easily convert to add e-shop functionality in the future.